Послание Путину от пережившего ядерную бомбу в Нагасаки (Русские субтитры)

Описание к видео Послание Путину от пережившего ядерную бомбу в Нагасаки (Русские субтитры)

#Nagasaki #NuclearWeapons #Hibakusha

In 2015, I interpreted for a-bomb survivors as they were giving testimonials to Presidents, local communities and children in over 20 countries. It was during that trip that I met Mr. Morita, now 88 years old and still sharing the horrific scenes that he witnessed in Nagasaki as a 10 year old.

In times of nuclear threat posed against Ukraine, I wanted to share with the world Mr. Morita's story and his plea for Nagasaki to be the last city ever to suffer the devastating damage of nuclear weapons.

Thanks to the help of friends, I was able to put English and Russian subtitles so please feel free to share this video and leave your comments.

Below is a poem that Mr. Morita wrote himself:

【When that day comes around】
When that day comes around, my heart is pierced with pain

That day, children the same age as me, grown-ups, the elderly and all living things,

So many lives vanished in the blink of an eye in the morning of August 9th.

Lest we forget.

Now, as somebody living in the place where it happened, I want to say.

We should never repeat that mistake, not ever let that sorrow reoccur.

Not to repeat the same mistake, that is the very reason why we are here right now.

We have to be reminded of

All the screams of countless lives lost on that hot summer day

The peace we enjoy and the meaning of it.

That is all that we can do.


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