Genius Einstein | 1st appearance of E=mc2 | Max Planck Invites Einstein | Herr Einstein It's Genius

Описание к видео Genius Einstein | 1st appearance of E=mc2 | Max Planck Invites Einstein | Herr Einstein It's Genius

This clip is one of the many awesome scenes from Nat geo series 'The Genius'. I do not own this clip.

Nat Geo Genius: Season 01 Episode 04

I've completely solved the problem.
What are you talking about?
Close your eyes. Pretend you're overlooking a train track.Imagine a train racing past, faster than any train you've ever seen. Now, I want you to imagine,as the train is flying past, two lightning bolts crashing beyond the tracks at the same time 100 meters apart.
So what?
Patience. Now imagine that you're standing in the middle of the train during the exact same scenario. Would the lightning bolts be simultaneous?
Of course.
Not if light moves at one speed. Close your eyes.
Albert, this is ridiculous...
Put yourself back on the moving train, and really think about it. Do it, Michele! Now watch the lightning bolts! Were they simultaneous to you?
Because you were moving towards one and away from the other. To me, standing still, they were simultaneous. How could the two of us experience the same event differently?
We couldn't. Unless...
It's not Maxwell who gets it between the eyes. It's Newton.
What are you saying?
Time is not absolute.
Holy hell.
I'm writing the paper, Michele. I dare them to ignore it.

'On the electrodynamics of moving bodies' by Albert Einstein?
His fourth paper this year. I haven't seen anything like this since Newton's annus mirabilis.
Doctor Laue, are you honestly comparing Einstein to sir Isaac Newton?
Read it.
He provides no footnotes.
That's because he has answered a question no one was asking.

Herr Einstein?
Max Laue, I work for Professor Max Planck at the Prussian Academy. A sincere pleasure to...
I believe you're looking for him. I've tried to get him to brush his hair and smarten himself up. But the man is hopeless.
Albert Einstein? Author of the principle of relativity?
Well, Galileo is the author of the principle of relativity. I simply provided a revision.
My, you are modest.
He most certainly is not.
May I ask why you are working at a patent office?
History is full of bad jokes, I suppose.
My name is Max Laue. I am here at the behest of Professor Max Planck.
Max Planck?
The father of Prussian physics?
He greatly admires your work, Herr Einstein. You've achieved more in one year than most scientists do in a lifetime. However did you accomplish it?
Curiosity, I suppose.
That and he wanted to be noticed.
Well, you've succeeded. We would like to help you further your career. Tell me, are you working on anything else?
Uh, yes, in fact. I've realized that the relativity principle, combined with the Maxwell's equations, requires that mass be a direct measure of the energy contained in a body.
I'm not sure I follow...
Light carries mass.
But that's impossible.
Perhaps! For all I know, the good lord is laughing at the whole matter. I believe this theory could be tested using elements whose energy is highly unstable. Madame Curie's radium, for example...
Herr Einstein, it's...It's genius.


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