Dragon 2023!

Описание к видео Dragon 2023!

Come and join me and 40+ other mad fools competing in this year's Dragon Hike & Fly race which was held in the beautiful Black Mountains arena on 13th/14th May. It's a two day event which I won back in 2019, but I have to say, many of the pilots entering now are SOOOO strong on the ground that for old farts like me (actually I think I was the only old fart!) it's pretty difficult to be competitive unless the conditions are good for flying...

Anyway, grab a coffee or a beer and enjoy this gruelling event vicariously - definitely the best way!!!

My stats...

equal 11th place with Ruth

63km course was actually 82kms

2671m vertical climb
47kms hiked (57%)
35kms flying(43%)

#advanceparagliders #advanceomegaxalps4 #xctraceruk


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