Max Attack Speed Looks INSANE In Calamity...

Описание к видео Max Attack Speed Looks INSANE In Calamity...

The Max Attack Speed Looks REALLY smooth LOL.

I would love any points of criticism about the video! Whether it's the information, the editing, music, anything! :)

Music Used:
Servants of The Scourge - DM Dokuro    • Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "Servan...  
Silence Before The Storms - DM Dokuro    • Calamity Mod OST - "Silence before th...  

List of items accessories used:
1. Elemental Gauntlet
2. Fire Gauntlet
3. Mechanical Glove
4. Feral Claws
5. Power Glove
6. Eldritch Soul Artifact
7. Warbanner of the Sun
8. Titanium Helmet
9. Demonshade breastplate
10. Solar Leggings

I avoided writing the names of the items in the video because i thought they may have made the video look a bit too crowded.

Not sure why, but I REALLY love maxing out stats in this game. You actually used to be able to get a lot more melee speed in Calamity, but a few months ago they released an update that nerfed melee speed to the ground.

Even buffs like Ale, or Well Fed don't increase melee speed in Calamity. Other items that would increase your melee speed in Vanilla Terraria (E.g. Celestial Shell) had their melee speed buff removed in Calamity. Same with the Berserker's glove. Whoever is balancing Calamity must really hate melee speed.


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