Baby Dove | Under Pressure | Postpartum

Описание к видео Baby Dove | Under Pressure | Postpartum

Postpartum pressures affect 7 out of 10 moms.*

The emotional rollercoaster of motherhood puts incredible pressure on moms, and while awareness of issue is relatively high, too many expecting/current moms don’t feel prepared for the challenges ahead of them.

So, we have partnered with Postpartum Support International to get moms the help they need to cope with the pressures of early motherhood.

👉 To all the mothers under pressure, you are not alone. Hear real stories and find support at and share your own #OneRealPressure. The more you share, the more you help.

*Based on the research results from Postpartum Mental Health and Wellness in the U.S.: Realities of new motherhood


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