The August Murder of Chiara Poggi

Описание к видео The August Murder of Chiara Poggi

On August 13, 2007, Chiara Poggi, twenty-six years old, was found dead in her Garlasco family home after being hit several times on the head with a blunt object, before being thrown down the stairs.

Alberto Stasi, Chiara's boyfriend and discoverer of the body, is the only one under investigation. This crime is known across Italy as il delitto di Garlasco.

Vanity Fair, May 24 2022
24 may 2022

La Stampa, December 12 2009
Music is a special thanks to Alex Productions, Italian producer, no copyright

"Alex Productions - Pray" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license. / @alexproductionsn... Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: • 🏢 Instrumental El...


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