Glassing Profile: Jack Reeves

Описание к видео Glassing Profile: Jack Reeves

Surfboard shapers sign their name to a finished board as a sign of pride. Pride for their high level of quality and pride in their final creation. The shaper gets all the glory. Ask a surfer who their favorite shaper is and they’ll probably rattle off a few names. Ask a surfer who their favorite glasser is and you’ll probably hear crickets.
Jack Reeves is one of a few, or maybe the only surfboard glasser we know, who actually signs each of his glass jobs. He is so highly regarded by high-end surfboard collectors and shapers alike that they actually prefer he signs his work. Jack looks and sees things that most people would ignore or not even notice in the first place while glassing. Things like weave pattern, cloth consistency, pigment variations and resin viscosity are all on Jack’s mental checklist as he begins each board. This is why Fiberglass Hawaii requests and values Jack’s feedback on new products and improving our current line.
Fiberglass Hawaii is proud to work with Jack Reeves and to be able to supply his composite needs. We are pleased to bring you this new four-part series shadowing this incredible resin artist while glassing several Dick Brewer surfboards. Enjoy these videos and tag us in your board building pics on social media. Finally, to view and purchase the products Jack is using visit us online at If you have any questions, feel free to email us using the contact form below. To learn more about surfboard glassing, check out our DIY tutorial here.


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