Category news, buying cycles and pro shop priorities

Описание к видео Category news, buying cycles and pro shop priorities

Using exclusive retail sales data for the top 10 golf markets from Golf Datatech, Phil Barnard and Mark Hopkins bring you timely insights you won't find anywhere else.

The weather stats have been staggering over recent months, with 20% more 'rain' days, preventing golfers turning up at courses. How has this affected on and off-course golf shops?

Which categories are up ... or down? And, what can retailers do to grow slow-moving areas?

If hardware sales equate to around 45% of sales, then a good half of your business consists of sales from the smaller categories. What opportunities are there for on-course retailers to grow these other, important categories?


✔The impact of ball promotions
✔Woods and irons
✔Selling seasons
✔Putters' ASP's

As always please get in touch if you have any content suggestions for future episodes, or if you'd like to join us for a podcast!


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