"The Unbelievers" Documentary: Q&A with Lawrence Krauss, Luke and Gus Holwerda

Описание к видео "The Unbelievers" Documentary: Q&A with Lawrence Krauss, Luke and Gus Holwerda

To skip the introduction, click here: 2:43

This is a video of the Q&A which followed the screening of the documentary "The Unbelievers" with theoretical physicist and author Lawrence Krauss (Executive Producer); Luke Holwerda (Producer, Cinematographer); and Gus Holwerda (Director) at the Center for Inquiry in Los Angeles on May 2, 2014.

For more info or to purchase the movie, please visit http://unbelieversmovie.com/

The documentary follows Krauss and Richard Dawkins around the world as they discuss science and reason. Krauss is a professor and director of the Origins Initiative at Arizona State University and the author of hundreds of scientific articles and numerous books, including his latest, A Universe from Nothing.


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Edited by Carl Wong
Camera and sound by Reid Nicewonder and Carl Wong


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