ST13 RY Sabo vs ST13 BY Luffy | One Piece TCG | OP06 Locals Gameplay

Описание к видео ST13 RY Sabo vs ST13 BY Luffy | One Piece TCG | OP06 Locals Gameplay

ST13 RY Sabo vs ST13 BY Luffy | One Piece TCG | OP06 Locals Gameplay

Round 2 of locals with my first time piloting BY Luffy. Think I misplayed a few times and we discussed whether he should have swung 8 unblockable with Luffy first and put me on having a 2k in hand then swinging 10 with the other unblockable in his hand. This was the correct sequencing on his part.

However if I correctly discard any card other than hiyori off sabo or leader effect the turn before and kept it in hand, it wouldn’t have mattered because I could counter the 8k swing.

We are both still learning the decks.


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