Kothin Simar | কঠিন সিমার | Bangla Full HD Movie | Dipjol, Manna | Popy | Amit Hassan | Moyuri

Описание к видео Kothin Simar | কঠিন সিমার | Bangla Full HD Movie | Dipjol, Manna | Popy | Amit Hassan | Moyuri

Movie : Kothin Simar (কঠিন সিমার)
Cast : Manna, Popy, Ahmed Sharif, Amit Hasan, Moyuri, Dipjol, Jhumka, Ilias Kobra, Ganguya, Chita, Kazi Hayat, Azharul Islam Khan,Shamsuddin Tagor, Aowlad, Afzal Sharif
Screenplay & Director: Montazur Rahman Akbar
Story: Monowar Hossain Dipjol
Dialogue: Abdullah Zohir Babu
Producer: Monowar Hossain Dipjol
Music: Ali Akram Shuvo
DOP: Lal Mohammad
Edit: Amzad Hossain
Label : G Series

#KothinSimar #কঠিন_সিমার #Manna #Popy #Dipjol #BanlaMovie #GSeriesBanglaMovies

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