UniDrive OctoCrawler (UDOC) - A One-Motor 8-Legged Robot! Built with M5Stamp Pico and DIY Materials

Описание к видео UniDrive OctoCrawler (UDOC) - A One-Motor 8-Legged Robot! Built with M5Stamp Pico and DIY Materials

In this video, I present the UniDrive OctoCrawler (UDOC), an 8-legged robot powered by a single servo motor and controlled using M5Stamp Pico and ESP-NOW communication. The unique 8-bar linkage mechanism, crafted from ice cream sticks and thumbtacks, allows this robot to move forward and turn effortlessly. Watch as I showcase a 360-degree view of the robot, close-up shots of the mechanism, a timelapse of the building process, and the final walking demonstration. Perfect for fans of DIY robotics and innovative engineering!

この動画では、M5Stamp PicoとESP-NOW通信を活用し、たった1つのサーボモーターで動く8脚ロボット『UniDrive OctoCrawler (UDOC)』をご紹介します。アイスのバーと画鋲で作られたオリジナルの8バーリンク機構を使って、前進も旋回も自在に操作可能。ロボットの360度ビュー、機構のクローズアップ、制作過程のタイムラプス、そして完成したロボットの歩行シーンまで、UDOCの全貌をお楽しみください!

#RevolutionaryRobot #UDOC #UniDriveOctoCrawler #M5Stamp #M5Stack #DIYEngineering #ESP_NOW #ESPNOW #8LeggedMechanism #100yenInnovation #ServoPowered


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