DMO - How to Vajramon, Vikaralamon, Chaotic, Final battle DGs

Описание к видео DMO - How to Vajramon, Vikaralamon, Chaotic, Final battle DGs

Vajramon DG
- Only one tamer can enter
- SS+ digimon can do the dungeon without major problems

Vikaralamon DG
- 3 Regen High + 1 Tank Hitter 80k HP min
- When vikaralamon is below 30% HP, healers must synchronize their skills. Vikaralamon uses skills one after another very fast, if the tank receives two skills in a row without healing, he can die

Chaotic Battlefield DG
- If start killing Megidramon, kill little caturamon. If caturamon stays alive, a enormous horde of impmon will spawn at beelzemon spot. That horde can kill anyone who enters there.
- I suggest to always start killing beelzemon first
- Instead of using 4 hitters, a party with 3 hitter and 1 HOH Sup is good

Final Battle DG
- Always open Battle Statistics window to see who is the top damage.
- Below 50% HP, every 30s, Zhuqiaomon will debuff whoever is near her. Let only the top damage be near her, everyone elese needs to stay away.


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