MY SETTINGS Nikon 180-600mm to get sharp photos. WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY II Bird photography

Описание к видео MY SETTINGS Nikon 180-600mm to get sharp photos. WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY II Bird photography

My settings for getting sharp photos with the Nikon 180-600mm lens.
Come along to my hideout and see when I shoot wildlife photography.
I always use autoiso and manual mode. In this way, the photos are always correctly exposed and I can quickly change the shutter speed with the front wheel. The rear wheel is then used for the aperture, which is not changed very often. All photography is individual but this is the best for me. Then I use exposure compensation to fine-tune when I have time. I've shot a lot with 3D tracking and it's worked well for me, but I've noticed that I get more photos in focus if I use the custom area with maximum selection. That is what I am trying to show in this film.
I have now rebuilt my hideout to accommodate my laptop to record from the camera's display. Previously, I had to detach the camera and move it to another lens. In the long run, it will probably be a serious recording thing, but it costs money.
Thank you for watching my channel and feel free to comment and write what you want to see in the future.

Music: Epedemicsound
Get over - Mindme
Do It All over Again - Mindme

Laptop with Video capture USB HDMI and HDMI cable. Capture in OBS Studio. (free software)

I have now order this bellow for test. It's capture in 4K
Video capture USB 2.0 HDMI 4K 30Hz

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