糯米蜜蓮藕,咬下一口瞬間被甜美的口感吸引!【甜】糯米蜜蓮藕|Sweet Lotus Root with Glutinous Rice【018】Anyone can cook.

Описание к видео 糯米蜜蓮藕,咬下一口瞬間被甜美的口感吸引!【甜】糯米蜜蓮藕|Sweet Lotus Root with Glutinous Rice【018】Anyone can cook.

糯米蜜蓮藕是一道非常有特色的中式甜點,以新鮮的蓮藕為主要材料,搭配糯米和紅糖等食材製作而成。 這道甜點呈現出淡雅的蓮藕清香,以及糯米甜美的口感,糯米的咬勁讓人回味無窮,是一道極具風味與口感的代表性中式甜點之一。

糯米蜜蓮藕是一道古老的中式傳統美食,據說最早可以追溯到唐朝時期。 在當時,糯米蜜蓮藕是一道非常珍貴的甜點,僅供皇室貴族食用。 隨著時間的推移,糯米蜜蓮藕逐漸傳到了民間,並且在不同的地方發展出了各自的特色口味。

在傳統的製作方法中,首先要將新鮮的蓮藕去皮、洗淨,然後用刀將其切成長條狀。 接著,將糯米泡水,放入蒸籠中蒸熟,再用刀將糯米切成厚片,將蓮藕條包裹其中,再將其蘸上熬成濃稠的紅糖漿,並撒上白糖、 芝麻等裝點。 最後,放在竹筒或碗中,蒸至入味即可食用。 這種傳統的烹調方式,不僅能保留蓮藕的清香味道,同時營養豐富、口感獨特,深受人們的喜愛。


Nuo Mi Mi Lian Ou, also known as "Sticky Rice Honey Lotus Root", is a traditional Chinese snack that originates from the southern part of China. This unique snack is made by stuffing a lotus root with sweet sticky rice and honey, creating a texture that is both crispy and chewy.

The origins of Nuo Mi Mi Lian Ou can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), where it was primarily enjoyed by the imperial family as a sweet treat. Today, it has become a popular snack throughout China, especially during festivals and special occasions.

Aside from its delicious taste, Nuo Mi Mi Lian Ou also boasts several health benefits. Lotus root, the primary ingredient, is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, and iron. Sticky rice, on the other hand, is low in fat and easily digestible. The added honey also provides a natural source of antioxidants.

In recent years, Nuo Mi Mi Lian Ou has gained popularity in other countries, with some even incorporating their own unique twists. In Japan, for example, it is often served with a savory miso sauce, while in Singapore, it is sometimes deep-fried and served with a chili dip.

Overall, Nuo Mi Mi Lian Ou is a delicious and nutritious snack that offers a taste of Chinese culture. Whether enjoyed on its own or with a twist, it is sure to satisfy anyone's cravings for a sweet and satisfying treat.

Sweet Lotus Root with Glutinous Rice
This time the approach is different from the traditional
Not directly with ice molasses
而是利用蜂蜜沾著吃 吃起來比較不甜
Instead, use honey to eat, it tastes less sweet
But relatively short storage time
For everyone's reference

酸 甜 苦 辣
acid sweet bitter spicy
Everyone has their own favorite taste
Every home has its own unique taste
Grandmother to mother and then to child
But my favorite taste is the taste of home
This is the taste you will never forget

just a mother and son
Mother inherits grandma's fine craftsmanship
媽媽喜歡 做菜 修改衣服
Mom likes to cook and modify clothes
Son only eats and sleeps
But the son will go to buy food
Simply eat【feeling at home】

參加演出 participate in the show
來賓 guest 蓮藕 lotus root
來賓 guest 圓糯 米glutinous rice
來賓 guest 鹽 Salt
來賓 guest 白醋 white vinegar
來賓 guest 蜂蜜 Honey

we are not professional
如果拍攝的不好 請見諒
Please forgive me if the shooting is not good
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