"The Starry Plough" - Irish Revolutionary Song

Описание к видео "The Starry Plough" - Irish Revolutionary Song

“The Irish people will be free when they own everything from the plough to the stars.“

James Connolly was an Irish socialist hero, trade unionist, and republican nationalist. He was one of the leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising
"GPO" stands for the General Post Office in Dublin. It was the headquarters of the leaders of the Easter Rising
The "yeos" refers to the Yeomanry, a voluntary cavalry force that was deployed during the 1798 rebellion in Ireland, especially in the county of Wexford

"The Starry Plough"/"An Camchéachta" is an Irish socialist, republican, nationalist, and revolutionary song by the Druids Irish Folk Band hailing James Connolly and Irish republicanism.

Rise up the starry plough in James Connolly's name!
Rise up the starry plough for his glory and his fame!
He joined the transport union so workers could be free,
He fought for Irish freedom for the likes of you and me!

James Connolly came from Scotland, a rebel to the core,
He wanted not just freedom, but socialism and more!
He said when we gain our freedom from England's cruel hands,
We'll have to fight the bankers, we'll have to make a stand!

So, rise up the starry plough in James Connolly's name!
Rise up the starry plough for his glory and his fame!
He joined the transport union so workers could be free,
He fought for Irish freedom for the likes of you and me!

He held his life for liberty in the GPO,
He held his life for freedom and he would not let it go!
Well, the Brits, they bombarded them, and they smashed them brick by brick,
He held his life for freedom and the socialist republic!

So, rise up the starry plough in James Connolly's name!
Rise up the starry plough for his glory and his fame!
He joined the transport union so workers could be free,
He fought for Irish freedom for the likes of you and me!

Connolly is a hero, and they shot him in a chair,
They took him from the hospital and those who were there,
Well, they set his lips on fire on that Easter morn',
As the bullet pierced his heart, an Irish martyr was born!

What will his legacy be now in this land of mine?
Where nothing has a reason and little has a rhyme?
We fought the yeos in Wexford, we drove out the Black and Tans,
Now we fight the bankers and their greasy hands!

So, rise up the starry plough in James Connolly's name!
Rise up the starry plough for his glory and his fame!
He joined the transport union so workers could be free,
He fought for Irish freedom for the likes of you and me!


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