Business Funding 101

Описание к видео Business Funding 101

Are you tired of dealing with banks and lenders who consistently tell you that your business is not qualified for financing?

Either you’re just starting out and you aren’t generating any revenue yet, or the revenue you are generating is not enough to meet their lending thresholds or is inconsistent.

The so-called government programs designed to help small businesses really aren’t any help at all. They don’t help “small businesses” like yours!

Did you know that the US Government defines small business as any business with 500 employees or less?


It’s the chicken and the egg syndrome. You need revenue to get financing, but to get money you have to already be generating revenue; and plenty of it!

Most traditional funding outlets require a history of a minimum of $500,000 in annual revenue before they’ll even consider helping you.

Lucky for you there are many other options available to you for funding your small business and we’ve cracked the egg, and can get you the chicken, so to speak.

Download our FREE eBook “Credit 101” to learn the secrets that traditional financial institutions don’t want you to know.

With knowledge comes power. Take control of your dream!


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