I Ching, its Meaning, and hexagrams 易經, 易理, 和易卦

Описание к видео I Ching, its Meaning, and hexagrams 易經, 易理, 和易卦

This video explains the cultural significance, the structure and contents of I Ching, and the meanings of I Ching by ways of explaining one hexagram, the Tai 泰 hexagram or the hexagram of harmony. It is very difficult to give a brief but still informative account of I Ching within the time limit of a short video.

Source of thumbnail: https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_fo...
Source of research materials:
Benebell Wen, 2023, I Ching the Oracle: A Practical Guide to the Book of Changes, California, North Atlantic Books
Edward L. Shaughnessy, 1996, I Ching, the Classic of Changes: the First English Translation of the Newly Discovered Second-century BC Mawangdui Texts
Online sources:
https://www.8bei8.com/book/zhouyi_11.... http://www.360doc.com/content/22/0206... https://www.yilusoso.com/lssg/49/
Source of pictures:


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