Spin 1/2 system in an external static magnetic field

Описание к видео Spin 1/2 system in an external static magnetic field

Spin half systems are widely used in many applications like EPR and NMR spectroscopy or Quantum computing. In these cases, a particle with a spin half is placed in a magnetic field and turns into a two-level system. This triggers many mechanisms that affect the behaviour of the quantum mechanical system. Some of you may have asked yourselves where is an electron at a given moment in time, whether it is in a state with spin up or spin down. In this video, you will find an answer to this question and learn about the full picture of spin dynamics in an external static magnetic field. Namely, you will be introduced to Zeeman splitting, thermal distribution, relaxation processes and Larmor precession.  

Related literature:

Slichter, Principles of Magnetic Resonance (3rd ed.) 1989
W. Greiner, Quantum mechanics. An introduction (Springer) 2001


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