Split Street Food Tour - Croatia

Описание к видео Split Street Food Tour - Croatia

I'm in Split, Croatia, and I'm on a DIY food tour. I'm starting to get hungry, so I'm looking for a place to eat. I see a chocolate shop called Natalina, so I go in. I buy some dried figs and sweet wine, which are two of the shop's best-selling items.

I continue on my tour, and I find a bakery that sells a traditional pastry dish called a burek, which is filled with spinach and cheese. I buy one and try it. It's hot and cheesy, with a strong spinach flavor.

Next, I buy some raffaioli, which are sweet pastries filled with almonds and cinnamon. I try one, but I'm not as impressed as I thought I would be. They're okay, but not as good as a real cinnamon roll.

I find out that the posh tea and cake shop I was going to visit is closed on Sundays, so I go to Luca's ice cream shop instead. It's a small hole-in-the-wall shop, but it's highly recommended. I'm excited to try their ice cream!
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