Yesu Akubwera

Описание к видео Yesu Akubwera

This song was composed by Lloyd Phiri way back in 2010 , recorded in 2011 released in 2012. The song is found in the album called SACHEDWA SAFULUMIRA ALBUM.
Recorded by Lloyd Phiri. Drum programming by Lloyd Phiri. Edited, mixed and mastered by Lloyd Phiri. Bass guitar by Peter Likhomo the legend.
Lloyd Phiri is a studio engineer, producer, publisher , musician and an evangelist who spreads the WORD of God everywhere he goes. He received Jesus Christ in the year 1997. Lloyd Phiri And his band, they do perform in different places like prisons where they also donated various items towards inmates, in various schools and universities/colleges, in villages. Lloyd Phiri has performed in United Kingdom in 2005 , in Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia among other nations.

The song talks about the last days . The lyrics in this songs says:

-Jesus Christ is coming, signs have appear,
-My beloved wake up and do not slumber,
-Look in the sky/cloud, Jesus Christ is coming
-Death and disease everywhere, war in nations, look in the sky/cloud, Jesus Christ is coming,
-Prophets everywhere, tribes rising against one another, look in the sky/cloud , Jesus Christ is coming,
-Do not waste time standing against the prophets, you might oppose God,
-We people are wrong for we follow miracles , instead of the miracles to follow us,
-This tendency of following every prophet that comes on our way, be careful for one day you will follow a witch doctor, thinking he is a God's prophet,
-The bible has emphasized about the power that is given towards born again Christians,
-Follow Jesus Christ, read the WORD, we will find revelations in them,
-Nowadays life has changed, things have become expensive, life is hard, Jesus Christ is coming,
-Hospitals are few, medication is scarce , diseases are taking a centre stage, Jesus Christ is coming,
... chorus : He is coming soon , be prepared Jesus Christ is coming.

Lloyd Phiri began his music career in 1998 and started recording the first album in 1999 released in 2000 and in 2001 one of the songs from that album called AFUNA ULAPE was voted as the best song of the year 2001 national wide. Lloyd Phiri was voted as the second best gospel musician in Malawi.
Lloyd Phiri has got ten albums/projects .

He has a recording studio called ONE HEART STUDIOS. Through his studio, many musicians have benefited by having their albums recorded.

Lloyd Phiri has assisted, sponsored , inspired many musicians in his country Malawi, he has promoted many upcoming musicians for free. He has taught others to become studio engineers and producers for free.

Contact: [email protected]
OR WhatsApp number +265 995 439 439
or direct call on +265 888 328 859
or Facebook account name: Lloyd Phiri & the Happiness Voices.


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