Types of Dyslexic Adults [different ways to grow into dyslexia]

Описание к видео Types of Dyslexic Adults [different ways to grow into dyslexia]

There are different types of dyslexic adults. all of whom have learned to cope with their dyslexia in different ways. Let's see that we can learn from their strategies. 1) Dyslexics who decided to focus on areas that are not effected by their learning difference started to feel comfortable in their areas of expertise. Still, they are prone to feeling under-challenged. 2) The group of gifted overcompensating dyslexics have an enormous drive to succeed, which they use to develop skills in a specific field. 3) The compensated dyslexics found ways to succeed in higher education and have academic degrees that are more in line with their intelligence. 4) The last type of dyslexic adult is still trying to find effective ways to compensate. In different ways, I see myself as a mix of all four types. What about you?

⏰ Timetable:
00:00 - Intro
00:33 - Alternative compensation
00:25 - Gifted overcompensation
00:12 - Compensation
03:17 - Tentative compensation

🙋🏼‍♂️ My name is Arije, and I am a dyslexic with an MA in Education Studies. I aim to share all my tips for learning, coping, teaching, and more on my channel. My aim is to help you understand what dyslexia is and how to work with those that have it. Because I believe that, as the most common hidden learning disability, dyslexia needs to be seen to be understood.

Have a look at my website: https://dehaas1on1.com

☕️ If you'd like to support me, feel free to do so one coffee at a time! via https://ko-fi.com/arije
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   / @arijeaikedehaas  

Here's some of the literature I consulted to create this video:
McNulty, M. A. (2003). Dyslexia and the life course. Journal of learning disabilities, 36(4), 363-381.‏
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