36000 primary teacher cancel // গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়ের রায় কে চ্যালেঞ্জ করে ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে প্রার্থীরা

Описание к видео 36000 primary teacher cancel // গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়ের রায় কে চ্যালেঞ্জ করে ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে প্রার্থীরা

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#36000 primary teacher cancel
#36000 primary teacher list west bengal
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wbssc teacher recruitment corruption high court case latest update news discussed in this video..Wb ssc slst waiting candidates and upper primary candidates recruitment related high court update latest news discussed in this video.The Calcutta High Court gave a big order regarding the appointment of teachers. To publish the merit list with the number of ninth and tenth class empanel and waiting candidates. It must be published within the next ten days. Such was the order of the Calcutta High Court. Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay passed the order in a recruitment case on Thursday. The Calcutta High Court has asked to publish the merit list with number in the ninth-tenth class teacher recruitment case. The state will not be able to make any new appointments till June 18. About 20,000 names including recruitment and waiting have to be published within 10 days. topics covered: 1. upper primary latest news 2. upper primary cut off marks 3. upper primary interview news 4. upper primary update 5. upper primary news 6. upper primary latest update 7. career guidance news 8. upper primary corruption 9. WB ssc slst waiting news 10. ssc slst waiting high court case news 11.ssc corruption 12. primary tet 2014 latest news
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