Scourge map - Not a Loser

Описание к видео Scourge map - Not a Loser

Let it be known that Scourge is not a loser! This multi-animator project attempts to highlight his non-loserness.

List of participants (this project wouldn't have been possible without them, so please consider supporting them! ^^):

KuroFennek    / @kurofennek  
Xx Ivystar xX    / @deersnapx13  
Nekoshiba    / nekoshiba  
Whirlwind OwO    / @whirlwindowo  
Unbecoming Wolfox    / @unbecomingwolfox  
OceanPawz    / @oceanpawz  
Ach Creations    / achler  
Bosley Boz    / @bosleyboz  
Lady Callow    / @ladycallow  
Sakai Sky    / @sakaisky8192  
Nitteh    / @nitteh5818  
Northflowo    / northflowerowo  
Strawbbiamz    / @strawbbiamz  
Chityo    / @chityouv  
isadori    / isadori  
soul107    / soul107  
DirtyNoodles    / @dirtynoodless  
SplashDreamms    / @splashdreamms  
floffer    / floffer  
Grimalkind    / grimalkind  
Senswii    / senswii  
Henleash    / henleash  
Clober    / @clovercreek  
MoodleDoodle    / moodledoodle  
CTAKAN    / ctakan  
Coffeely    / @coffeely  
Crustuu    / crustuu  
Kookzer    / kookzer  
darkpurplx    / @darkpurplx  
BRandy    / @branran_  
Terastrial    / terrestrialsprout  
Soblanket    / @soblanket  
LockandKeyHyena    / @lockandkeyhyena  
Willowen    / @willowen1071  
Kohi-Anubis    / @kohianubis  
Banditø Eagle    / @banditoeagle  
MuneAJ    / muneaj  
CanarySong    / @canarysongart  
Frosted Claws    / @frostedclaws  
Koskot Owl    / @koskotowl  
Samoboo    / bluestar98765432  
Rivstars    / rivstars  
FlareTheBear    / flarinafairy  
MANCHKIN!    / @manchkin  
CrystalColors    / @crystalcolors2229  

Song: Not a Loser (from Spongebob the musical)

(Thanks to Kookzer for putting together the beautiful chaos that is the thumbnail)


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