Gradnja akumulacijskega bazen za HE Brežice / Construction of an accumulation pool for HPP Brežice

Описание к видео Gradnja akumulacijskega bazen za HE Brežice / Construction of an accumulation pool for HPP Brežice

Leta 2015 je podjetje Riko d.o.o. s podjetjem Infra podpisalo pogodbo za izgradnjo akumulacijskega bazena z visokovodnim razbremenilnikom za hidroelektrarno (HE) Brežice. Gre za gradnjo največjega akumulacijskega bazena v Sloveniji, ki poteka na trenutno največjem gradbišču v državi.

Akumulacijsko jezero bo vsebovalo približno 20 milijonov kubičnih metrov vode, površina bo obsegala približno 300 hektarjev. Območje brežiške akumulacije bo z njeno zgraditvijo zavarovano pred visokimi vodami in poplavami.

In 2015 the company Riko, in collaboration with Infra, signed a contract for the construction of an accumulation reservoir with a high-water controlled release device for the Brežice hydroelectric power plant. This will be the biggest accumulation reservoir in Slovenia which is currently being constructed on the largest construction site in the country.

The artificial lake will require around 20 million cubic meters of water and its surface will cover around 300 hectares of land. With this project the accumulation area in Brežice will be secured from high water and floods.


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