【宜蘭景點】169 豆腐岬是南方澳一處風景優美的小海灣,有海水浴場可戲水、浮潛,還有特殊的豆腐狀礁岩景觀。另一處又稱(情人灣)的內埤海灘,是賞海聽濤、情侶約會、小孩玩沙、堆石頭的極佳據點。

Описание к видео 【宜蘭景點】169 豆腐岬是南方澳一處風景優美的小海灣,有海水浴場可戲水、浮潛,還有特殊的豆腐狀礁岩景觀。另一處又稱(情人灣)的內埤海灘,是賞海聽濤、情侶約會、小孩玩沙、堆石頭的極佳據點。

Yilan Attractions] Tofu Cape is a beautiful small bay in Nanfang'ao. It has a bathing beach for playing in the water, snorkeling, and a special tofu-shaped reef landscape. Another beach, Neipi Beach, also known as Lover's Bay, is an excellent base for enjoying the sea and listening to the waves, dating couples, and children playing in the sand and stacking stones.

豆腐岬風景區 交通資訊 地址: https://reurl.cc/jyNoV2
內埤海灘 交通資訊 地址: https://reurl.cc/A2QYXp
#宜蘭景點 #一日遊 #觀光 #豆腐岬風景區 #內埤海灘


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