Oblitus casa 2.0 | Smile Dog Hard mode completed

Описание к видео Oblitus casa 2.0 | Smile Dog Hard mode completed

smile dog hard mode is very simple. in order to beat this, you must have pure luck which means, erase the drawing quick and in paper, when it starts to regenerate, find him in the cameras quickly and flash him quickly. after flashing him 3 times, he can go to the attic or will continue with 3 more flashes. i recommended with attic at the start because it will have a chance to be in the attic after 3 flashes. if you don't see smile dog in the attic after 3 flashes, restart the run and play again until hes in the attic. don't be too slow or else you have to restart after you mess up. that was my strat i made all myself to do this and it took like so many hours to beat this. enjoy the video guys.


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