More Chris Elliott Goodies on Letterman, 1985-1988

Описание к видео More Chris Elliott Goodies on Letterman, 1985-1988

Featuring The Laid-Back Guy (1985), the Late Night Hunk (1986), Skylark (1987), and the Hair Plugs episodes (1988).

The Laid-Back Guy:
1. May 13, 1985. Late Night's first show in Los Angeles.

The Late Night Hunk:
2. October 9, 1986. Chris's profile in "Teen Beat" magazine.
3. October 15, 1986. "A Chorus Line" ad, then parody. With Dave Rygalski, Cathy Vasapoli, Jim Block, Laurie Diamond, Wayne Wright, Laurie Guthrie, Paula Niedert, and Chris.

4. May 18, 1987. Late Night's first show in Las Vegas.
5. May 21, 1987. LN's last show in Las Vegas.
6. May 28, 1987. Back in NYC. With Laurie Guthrie and Laurie Diamond.

Hair Plugs:
7. July 22, 1988. During the months-long Writers' Strike.
8. August 3, 1988. Still during the Writers' Strike.
9. August 10, 1988. The second day after the strike ended and the writers returned.


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