Time Dilation With Examples | Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity

Описание к видео Time Dilation With Examples | Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity

The vast expanse of the universe holds many secrets, and space travel is one of the ways humans have been able to uncover some of them. But did you know that as we venture further into space, time itself can change? This is known as time dilation, and it has important implications for the future of space travel. In this video, we’ll explore what time dilation is, how it works, and what it means for the future of human exploration. To understand time dilation, we first need to understand the basics of space travel. When a rocket ship takes off from Earth, it’s traveling at incredible speeds. This is necessary to overcome Earth’s gravity and reach the escape velocity required to leave our planet’s atmosphere. But as a rocket ship travels through space, it encounters other sources of gravity, such as planets, stars, and black holes. These sources of gravity can bend the fabric of spacetime, creating what’s known as a gravitational field.

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