Barbershop Harmony in the American Identity

Описание к видео Barbershop Harmony in the American Identity

A video about the history of barbershop harmony and how it relates to the american identity. This video was a project for my VAPA class for college.

tags: Barbershop Harmony, American Identity, Music History, VAPA Class Project, College Project, Musical Heritage, Sound Of Music, Family Traditions, Harmonious Journey, Cultural Identity, Music Education, Choral Music, American Culture, Community Through Music, Artistic Expression, Barbershop Quartet, Harmony Singing, Historical Roots, Musical Evolution, Interdisciplinary Study, A Cappella, Vocal Harmony, Four-Part Harmony, Close Harmony, Vocal Music, Traditional Music, Melodic Blend, Vocal Techniques, Barbershop Society, Vocal Arts, Vocal Performance, Harmony Arrangements, Vocal Training


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