
Описание к видео 加拿大综合排名最好的10所大学


As one of the most popular countries for studying abroad in the world, Canada attracts hundreds of thousands of international students to study abroad every year. The reason why education in Canada is so popular is that in addition to the high quality of education itself, there are also many good local universities here. Next, we combine the QS University Rankings, Times University Rankings, USNews University Rankings and ARWU World University Academic Rankings, the latest data of the four rankings as of the end of October 2023, to make a comprehensive ranking of Canadian universities. And we introduce the 10 best universities among them.

00:00 开头
00:35 1.多伦多大学
01:26 2.不列颠哥伦比亚大学
02:33 3.麦吉尔大学
03:30 4.阿尔伯塔大学
04:27 5.麦克马斯特大学
05:18 6.蒙特利尔大学
06:06 7.滑铁卢大学
07:04 8.卡尔加里大学
07:52 9.渥太华大学
08:41 10.西安大略大学
09:28 结尾


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