Blade Infusion 120 Helicopter flight and my personal settings for advanced flight.

Описание к видео Blade Infusion 120 Helicopter flight and my personal settings for advanced flight.

Hey everybody, I just received my Blade Infusion 120 and I couldn’t wait to fly it. Out of the box it is very docile and based on a beginner to intermediate pilot. I wanted more performance. As with all new Blade Helis, you can change settings in the forward programming. I spent about 4 hours flying it, and this is what I came up with. I think the heli has a better feel now. In the end of the video, you will see my settings to input in your radio. Please take a picture of your settings before you change them. You can always go back. There is too much to remember. Take that pic! At the end of that video I forgot to mention that I am using +30% expo for aileron and elevator at 100% rates. I do not use expo on my brushless motor tail rotors. I guess there is 100 ways to do things, but it always goes back to the first person who taught you. If it was free advice, it’s not worth anything, you paid nothing for it, so as you learn, use common sense and critical thinking. Ask yourself, does this make sense, and then prove that it makes sense. If an engineer tells me his work is good and finished, I engineer the finished work and make it my own. I’m just sharing my findings. The infusion 120 definitely flies, it’s just how do you want it to fly. Use the forward programming and get an understanding for what settings do. The sky is wide open. It’s up to you. Don’t be lazy with this hobby. It’s the type of hobby that takes years and could be with you the rest of your life. That’s my plan. Thanks for watching. I’m just a human who likes to promote flying and R/C in general. It will keep you going.
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