塞爾維亞旅遊9個必知資訊懶人包|9 tips for travelling to Serbia|Kuvarica東歐媳婦艾莉莎|歐洲自助旅行

Описание к видео 塞爾維亞旅遊9個必知資訊懶人包|9 tips for travelling to Serbia|Kuvarica東歐媳婦艾莉莎|歐洲自助旅行

網路上關於塞爾維亞的旅遊中文資訊不多,所以整理了幾個行前必知資訊跟你們分享。希望會有幫助! 後面還會有更多的必吃必玩推薦,及更多的旅行資訊。下次見拉!
There is not much travel information in Chinese about Serbia on the Internet, so here I have some information to share with you. Hope it will help! There will be more must-eat, must-visit recommendations and more travel information later on our channel. See you next time.

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Music credit
Short Trip by Roa   / roa_music1031  
Music promoted by Audio Library    • Short Trip – Roa (No Copyright Music)  


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