EPR causes motion! Finally evidence of Larmor frequency nailed!

Описание к видео EPR causes motion! Finally evidence of Larmor frequency nailed!

After months, and hours of tinkering with Alzofon type experiments to observe gravity control utilizing Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNO, DNP) I have finally observed evidence of attaining the Larmor precession frequency of the unpaired electrons in various materials. This process is called Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. This precedes successful DNO/DNP as the hyperfine coupling between electrons and nuclear spin transfers these excited spin states to the nuclei causing hyperpolarization. These techniques are commonly used in chemistry/materials science and medical imaging, to get a picture of the atomic makeup and structure of matter.
My set up is not for imaging, but to explore the possibility of propulsion applications. I currently run at low power levels, and frequencies, compared to the x band microwave and 3000+ gauss field prescribed in the literature. The RF runs through a VHF amp in the 50Mhz + region.

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Please see my previous videos for more on this, also reference the alzofon physics channel, warptech, and the falcon space channel for more background and experimental work by other researchers. Also live updates, and presentations on the APEC conferences (altpropulsion.com)

my email: [email protected]


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