This video tells an emotional and touching story of the disappearance of engineer Babazadeh, which endangered the lives of his children. The engineer, who plays the role of the father and head of the family, suddenly disappears and there is no sign of him. In this situation, her children, who are struggling along with other life problems, face a bigger challenge: lack of access to food and help. The shopkeepers, who always trusted the engineer to meet the needs of the children, now refuse to give food to the children due to the engineer's lack of response.
In this video, it is carefully demonstrated how repeated calls to the engineer go unanswered and nobody hears from him. These conditions make the shopkeepers decide not to give the children the food they need anymore because, according to them, there is no certainty about the engineer's condition at the moment. The cruelty and coldness of shopkeepers and the lack of support from society make the world of children even more difficult. Not only do they not know about their father, but they are also deprived of the minimum needs of their lives.
This sad story shows well that when people in the society do not help each other, what heavy pressure falls on the shoulders of those who have no one to help. While the engineer's children are living in poverty and hunger, no one is worried about them and they are trying to get out of this difficult situation. This video raises questions about social responsibility and the importance of empathy and support in difficult situations and draws viewers' attention to humanitarian problems.
Can anyone help these children? Will the engineer ever return? These questions remain in the heart of this video and involve the audience in a story full of pain and hope for change.
#EngineerBabazadeh, #MissingEngineer, #EngineerChildren, #StoreOwners, #FoodRations, #HelpForChildren, #HungryChildren, #HeartlessStoreOwners, #CallsToEngineer, #NoResponse, #ChildrenStruggles, #OrphanedChildren, #FamineInOrphanage, #UnansweredCalls, #NoHelpForChildren, #EngineerInDanger, #ChildrenHardship, #CommunityResponsibility, #MissingPerson, #NoSupport, #HungryOrphans, #PressureOnChildren, #EngineerAbsence, #SadChildren, #FamilyProblems, #FateOfEngineer, #LifeWithoutGuardian, #FinancialHelpForChildren, #ConsequencesOfDisappearance, #NeedForSupport, #CommunityNeglect, #SupportForOrphans, #ChildrenInNeed, #SupportForEngineerChildren, #UnseenStruggles, #HopeForHelp.
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