101 Pokemon Voice Impressions

Описание к видео 101 Pokemon Voice Impressions

Sooooooo the Pokefan inside of me wanted to make a video where I try all 151 original Pokémon voices, but BrizzyVoices already made that video and she did all of them like perfectly..... (btw BrizzyVoices is awesome!!)

Sooooooo instead, I'm just going to "try," 101 Pokémon voices....I actually only remembered 99 so I added 2 Pokémon not from the original 151 to make it 101, because I like the number 101 more than 100 (sorry if that offends anyone....)

I think some of them are aiiiiight, but most of them probably just suck.....

OH YEAH, sorry for the very random moments in this video, I get distracted very easi


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