Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Training Overview

Описание к видео Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Training Overview

Emotional Intelligent Leadership (EIL) training was designed to increase emotionally intelligent leadership practices among Black leaders and those who serve Black communities. Participants engage in self-reflexive activities and gain tools to understand their leadership approach, communication style, and conflict management.

At EIL you will learn how to:

- Describe how your Emotional Intelligence has impacted your leadership past and present.

- Approach conflict as generative and use it as a tool for learning

- Explore the emotional impact of your leadership and communication style

- Explore how your privilege and growth areas can be addressed

- Apply skills that cultivate wellness and support movement/organizational equity.

- Cultivate and create policies and behaviors that produce emotionally intelligent and flexible workspaces with boundaries.

- Disrupt practices that reflect colorism, ageism, misogyny, racism, ableism, and transphobia in work systems.

Connect with BEAM and join us at an upcoming training:

Web: beam.community/trainings
Twitter: @_beamorg
Facebook: facebook.com/BlackEmotionalAndMentalHealth
Instagram: @_beamorg
Linkedin: BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective


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