Smuglianka - Смуглянка : Old Soviet Russian Folk Song || Violin & Piano (music score)

Описание к видео Smuglianka - Смуглянка : Old Soviet Russian Folk Song || Violin & Piano (music score)

"Смуглянка" (Smuglianka) or "Смуглянка-Молдаванка" (Smuglyanka-Moldovanka "the Moldovan #Brunette") is a Popular #Russian #Folk Song composed by Anatoliy Grigorevich Novikovin (Анатолий Новиков) in 1940. Its Lyrics were written by Yakov Shvedov (Яков Шведов). The song was commissioned and intended to glorify the Female #Rebels of the Russian Civil War. It tells the story of young man (the singer) who met a pretty Moldovan girl gathering grapes and how he tried to seduce her, but this brunette turned out to be a soviet partisan (Siguranţa's Agent-Provocateur) of the two Moldovan rebellions against the Russian Empire of the "Romanov" dynasty (in 1905 and during the great patriotic war in 1915) and convinced him to join their cause and become himself a partisan rebel. In 1944, this wonderful piece was performed in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow, by the Alexandrov Ensemble, with soloist Nikolaiy Ustinov (Николай Устинов). Since then it became little by little a loved and famous song and entered the standard repertoire of Russian folk songs of the Soviet Union. One of the best versions of this song were sung by the "Red Army Choir" (les Chœurs de l'Armée Rouge = Краснознамённого ансамбля // The Alexandrov Ensemble : Академи́ческий анса́мбль пе́сни и пля́ски Росси́йской А́рмии и́мени А. В. Алекса́ндрова).

Did you know that the "Red Army Choir" was named after its first leader, composer, choirmaster, director and conductor Alexander V. Alexandrov (А. В. Алекса́ндров) 1883 - 1946. He is a general major and the founder of the Choir. He was a professor in the Moscow Conservatory. His master and teacher is Rimsky Korsakov (Римский Корсаков). He directed the Alexandrov Ensemble from 1928 to 1946 under the soviet reign of the USRR.

Смуглянка-молдаванка = Смаглявка-молдаванка = Смаглявка = Смуглянка = Smuglyanka = Smuglyanka-Moldovanka = La Noia Fosca = Smouglianka = La Fosca Noia Moldava = 黑皮膚姑娘 = 黑皮肤姑娘 = Թուխ աղջիկ = Esmer Kız = Smuglanka = Smuglyanka = La brunette moldave = The Dark Moldovan Girl = Смугля́нка = Smugljanka = Szmugljanka = Esmer Moldov Kız = The Brunette

Lyrics in Russian :
Как-то летом, на рассвете,
Заглянул в соседний сад.
Там смуглянка-молдаванка
Собирает виноград.
Я краснею, я бледнею,
Захотелось вдруг сказать:
Станем над рекою
Зорьки летние встречать!
Раскудрявый клён зелёный –лист резной.
Я влюблённый и смущённый пред тобой.
Клён зелёный, да клён кудрявый,
Да раскудрявый, резной.
А смуглянка-Молдаванка,
Отвечала парню в лад:
Партизанский, Молдаванский,
Собираем мы отряд.
Нынче рано партизаны,
Дом покинули родной.
Ждёт тебя дорога,
К партизанам в лес густой.

Goselli presents to you in this video an arrangement for #Violin with #Piano accompaniment (music notes) for this great powerful melody. Did you enjoy this piece??! Hope you like it and learn how to play it!! Давай! Давай! (DAVAI)

Have a good happy day and stay safe.
А сейчас до свидания!!


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