Treasure Isle sound, radio show ska, rock steady, early reggae,soul. The Golden age of Jamaica music

Описание к видео Treasure Isle sound, radio show ska, rock steady, early reggae,soul. The Golden age of Jamaica music

Catch this beat radio show (musical trip part 66)
Treasure Isle sound from the 60s and 70s
Introduction Earl Lindo : the ball
Monty Morris : Temptation
the Zodiacs : Renegade
Justin Hinds & the Dominoes : No good Rudie
Tommy Mccook & the Supersonics : Work your soul
the Techniques : Bad mind poeple
Monty Morris : If I didn't love you
Phyllis Dillon : Things of the Pasteur
the Moving Brothers : Darling I love you
the Paragons : Silver bird
the Jamaicans : Slow and easy
Lloyd Williams : Goodye baby
Clive and Doreen : What can I do
Joya Landis : Out the light
Alton Ellis : I've lost that love
the Techniques : You're my everything
Neville Hinds with Tommy Mccook : Sunday grave
Alton Ellis : Remenber that Sunday
Karl Bryan : Red ash
the Tennors : Hopefull village
Dorothe Reid : This is me
the Message : Turn round twice
John Holt : Working kind
Dennis Alcapone : Teach the children
Dennis and Lizzy : Ba ba ri ba
Reid all stars : Hurt

#rock steady
#early reggay


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