理察‧大衛遜教授:「改變思想 改變大腦」| Prof. Richard J Davidson on "Change the Brain by Transforming the Mind"

Описание к видео 理察‧大衛遜教授:「改變思想 改變大腦」| Prof. Richard J Davidson on "Change the Brain by Transforming the Mind"

2012/13年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人、美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校理察‧大衛遜教授於香港中文大學(中大)逸夫書院進口公開演講,題目為「改變思想 改變大腦」,分析人如何能通過冥想去改變思維,從而改變大腦及身體,促進精神及生理健康。


Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2012-13, Professor Richard J. DAVIDSON from the University of Wisconsin-Madison spoke on 'Change the Brain by Transforming the Mind', sharing how one can transform the mind through meditation and thereby alter the brain and the periphery in ways that may be beneficial for mental and physical health at Shaw College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The lecture is one of the year-round celebratory events of CUHK 50thAnniversary.


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