The Health Trust Gap and How To Fix It (SXSW Online 2021 Session)

Описание к видео The Health Trust Gap and How To Fix It (SXSW Online 2021 Session)

While the term “Infodemic” has circulated widely during the pandemic, the spread of health related misinformation is not a new phenomenon rather one that has been exacerbated. Now more than ever before we are seeing a divide in behaviors and in humanity. So how do we begin to build trust in this breakdown of communication? What steps can and should individuals, governments, media and businesses play? During this interactive panel of top entertainment (Kristen Bell), business (Jessica Malaty Rivera) and government leaders (Ed Simcox), moderator Dr. Natalia Peart will explore these questions and more through the lens of inclusive storytelling, while visual notes are illustrated live by artist DiAngele Augustus. Storytelling is powerful. How will you use it as a force for good?

Session debuted on March 16-20, 2021 at SXSW Online 2021


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