Pistachio Pesto & Gluten Free Pasta | Pasta Recipes

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Pistachio Pesto & Gluten Free Pasta | Pasta Recipes

In this video, we will show you how to make a delicious and healthy Pistachio Pesto & Gluten Free Pasta recipe. This dish is perfect for those following a gluten-free diet or looking for a new twist on traditional pesto. Our easy-to-follow recipe will guide you through creating a flavorful pistachio pesto sauce that pairs perfectly with gluten-free pasta. Stay tuned for a simple yet satisfying meal that is sure to impress your taste buds! Give this recipe a try and enjoy a tasty and nutritious dinner option. Perfect for weeknight dinners or special occasions!

WE are what we EAT - but more accurately we are what we ABSORB!! - the small intestine, the partner to the Primary Organ of Summer Season , The Heart, is where the majority of our absorption of nutrients takes place. the Standard American (SAD) diet along with corporate food chemicals has contributed to a major deterioration of digestive health and gut mucosal lining. It has also contributed to the wide-spread, and often undetected LEAKY GUT.
Today we must reduce or completely elimate Gluten and Diary, along with other primary irritants in processed foods to help heal the gut.

Today we explore some primary tips of Gluten Free Pastas and prepare a quick 15 minute satisfying meal loaded with nutrients from the Pistachio Kale Moringa Pesto - this recipe is also found in my Cookbook "Simple Cooking for Vitaltiy" . Signed Hardcopies can be found on my website and eBook on Amazon.com
Plant-Based pasta is common but we must read the labels - try to avoid added rice flours if possible as they drive up the base net carbs - lentil and black bean pastas have higher fiber and protein making them more productive to our overall metabolism. The moringa is a GIFT and has loads of nutrients making it a Superfood add in, along with plant-rich kale and basil garlic and high quality phytochemical EVO.
1 Cup Fresh Basil
2 Cups Organic Kale
1/2 Cup Soaked raw pistachios (almonds, walnuts, or pine nuts are fine substitutes)
1 Tablespoon organic moringa
2 Tablespoons of Nutritional Yeast
1 medium Lemon Juiced - about 1/4 Cup
2-4 Garlic Cloves
sea salt & cracked black pepper
1/3 to 1/2 cup Extra-Virgin Olive Oil - EVO
Fresh Basil for topping

in Vibrant Health

#guthealth #glutenfree #smallintestine #absorption #pesto


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