President Elpidio Quirino's 5th Radio Chat (Freedom of the Press)

Описание к видео President Elpidio Quirino's 5th Radio Chat (Freedom of the Press)

Excerpt from President Elpidio Quirino’s fifth monthly radio chat, aired on March 15, 1949.

“There is a frivolous charge that this is not a real democratic country. Our press has never been more free and uninhibited, and more jealous of its prerogatives. People talk freely throughout the length and breadth of this lively Republic against public officials, against government institutions, against anybody on any subject. I have my full share of daily systematic abuse. Indeed, our press enjoys the one-sided privilege of attacking, and is resentful to the quick if attacked in turn. And our public officials have a healthier fear for their skin because of such a fact; and, consequently, can ill afford to be cynical about anomalies or irregularities committed by them.”

Click here for the full transcript of President Quirino’s radio chat:

(Video courtesy of the Elpidio Quirino Foundation)


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