Rotor and Roots Blowers Milling Machine - PTG Holroyd Precision

Описание к видео Rotor and Roots Blowers Milling Machine - PTG Holroyd Precision

Holroyd's 4EX-R-BL models are effectively two machines in one as, in addition to producing helical rotors, they can be programmed to precision-mill straight-fluted components as used in Roots-type blower ‘air ends’

As well as being equipped to mill helical rotors of up to 450mm in diameter, the 4EX-R-BL machine will rough mill blower blanks of around 320mm in diameter and 900mm body length into straight fluted rotors in 30 minutes floor-to-floor, ready for finish profile milling to absolute size. This represents a significant time saving when compared to the one-and-a-half to two hours typically required to cut individual Roots-type blower rotor flutes using traditional milling techniques.

Totally removing the need for manual intervention or indexing during the milling of each flute, the Holroyd 4EX-R-BL features a bespoke steadying system that has been designed to withstand the additional forces that are generated during the milling of straight flutes. Specially developed ‘finger clamps’ ensure the workpiece is held securely while a flute is being milled, then release to enable automatic rotation and positioning ready for milling of the next flute.

Read more about our 4EX-R-BL machine..

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