Part 38. OMC 235 repair. Upper gearbox of the sterndrive. Ball gear and water pump

Описание к видео Part 38. OMC 235 repair. Upper gearbox of the sterndrive. Ball gear and water pump

This is part 38 of my OMC 235 DIY repair diary.
#V8Marine #OMCelectricShift
In this episode I'm fixing the upper gearbox of the sterndrive. It had badly worn out ball gear. It had cracked seals. I found some water inside it. So let's replace the water pump impeller as the gear box is dismantled already. But I want all the stuff to be nice and shiny. So lots of wire brushing, scraping, sanding and cleaning. Finding a crack in the housing... Welding... Filing... Painting... Assembling at last! Great success!
For all other episodes please check my playlist:    • All episodes of My OMC 235 (Ford 351 W)  


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