The Amazing Indian Barber Head Massage

Описание к видео The Amazing Indian Barber Head Massage

The traditional Indian barber is probably your best bet for a fast, no frills and affordable hair cut these days, and they are dime a dozen in kuala lumpur. Of course if you go for the full monty  - a traditional shave, cleaning facial and amazing Indian head massage, the price goes up accordingly.

In this vid, we see @tummyleejones getting a head massage, after he has had his haircut. The cut cost him RM13, and the massage RM30. The Indian Head Massage, has been a part of Indian culture for centuries and the pressing of pressure points is known to be used for manipulating energy channels. The goal is to clear blocks in these energy channels and thus removing ailments and sometimes even healing diseases. But if you ask @tummyleejones, he just likes it because he is a sucker for head massages and loves the pampering. You can almost fell your own head tingle watching him get the massage...


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