Lee Strasberg's Relaxation Exercise | Acting Tips With Peter Kalos

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Lee Strasberg's Relaxation Exercise | Acting Tips With Peter Kalos

I picked this image for the thumbnail for this clip because it goes to the roots of it all; Paula Strasberg with Marilyn Monroe working together. Many people don’t know this but Paula (Lee’s ex-wife) became Marilyn’s acting coach- and from that Marilyn left all her inheritance and estate to Lee Strasberg. A big part of their work consisted of RELAXATION in a chair. I spent close to 8 years almost 3 times a day on one of those chairs—it’s everything!

There are MANY way to teach this- many variations of it, I remember when I first went to the Strasberg Inst. there was about 8 teachers there and all of them taught it slightly different. This is my variation of it based on the way Marc Marno taught it (who for my taste was the best teacher there.) Many people sit in. the chair and start moving around as their mind drift off, it’s not about that it’s about bringing it all together.

DO THIS EVERY DAY if you want to become a heavyweight actor! You CANNOT just "catch up " with this when you get an audition - it gives you what we call AN ACTOR"S BODY I have seen many so called “famous” actors do this on a set, and some I’ve even sat down and joined them… we’re all artists we understand the work.

And if you're interested in learning more- join us either in the online class OR at the class at the lab in person. It takes a lifetime to master this.

Hope you enjoy it.
Peter Kalos

#peterkalos #melbourneactorslab # Method2.0


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