Dental Sedation & Pain Management at UCL Eastman

Описание к видео Dental Sedation & Pain Management at UCL Eastman

Conscious sedation has become a viable alternative for general anaesthesia for certain dental procedures outside the hospital environment. In this fast-developing world of sedation and pain management it has become necessary to train doctors and dentists to provide sedation for their patients.

Our Postgraduate Certificate programme develops students’ theoretical and practical competencies. The emphasis is on providing safe and effective procedural sedation as an operator-sedationist or dedicated sedation practitioner, in keeping with current best practice and in line with contemporary UK Guidelines for Conscious Sedation, and international sedation guidelines.

The programme is delivered through lectures, clinical skills seminars, problem-based learning and supervised clinical sessions sedating patients. Students also receive simulation training in the management of medical emergencies. Teaching takes place in two blocks during May and November of each year. In between these blocks, students undertake clinical/practical training in clinics in and around London.


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