Angular Cypress: Learn How To Install And Run E2E Tests

Описание к видео Angular Cypress: Learn How To Install And Run E2E Tests

In this video, you will learn how to install #cypress in an #angular 12 application and you will see how to write #e2e tests.

We will develop two simple user flows of cypress testing:
1. The first one will fill in a login #reactiveform and should make sure it is landed on a certain page.
2. The second flow, should log in the user, locate a menu item from the navigation, click it and make sure it is landed on a certain page.

Furthermore, we will see how to use the cy.pause() method and also how to use Custom Commands.

✨ Read more for the Pause method:

✨ Read more for the Custom Commands:

✨ If you have Protractor tests and want to migrate to #cypress, this link will help you

✨ Code:

As of Angular 12, the protractor won't be by default part of our applications. In later releases the Angular CLI will provide various options for e2e testing. Angular cypress thought has become one of the best solutions


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