Thrips Part 3: Efficacy and Risks of Insecticides Against Thrips

Описание к видео Thrips Part 3: Efficacy and Risks of Insecticides Against Thrips

Welcome to the American Floral Endowment's three-part webinar series for Thrips Research. This series features the latest findings from AFE’s Thrips and Botrytis Research Fund.

This session's speaker is Dr. JC Chong, professor and extension specialist of turf and ornamentals entomology at Clemson University.

This webinar was held Tuesday, December 15th, 2020 for our Thrips & Botrytis Supporters. It is being released now to the public for free.

Presentation Description:
Insecticide is the main tool for controlling thrips in floriculture in Colombia and the US. This presentation will discuss the efficacy of insecticides registered in the US, some of which are comparable or similar to those registered in Colombia, and approaches in using them with greater efficacy. This presentation will also discuss the risk of insecticide resistance and approaches to mitigate the risk.

For additional research and to support the Thrips and Botrytis Research Fund, please visit


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